24/7/365 Service
Our system operations are committed to the quality
We provide the best quality of IT-system operation
management and operation design.
We mainly provide system operations in the important
fields as human life and property.
We fullfil with the continuous operations.

High quality system operation

We provide High-quality IT system operation support to improve operational efficiency and reduces operating costs for customers. We have established a support system that is 24/7 support system, and will recover the system promptly even in the event of a failure.
Please leave it to us that the system management and maintenance is operated from that we take your duty for IT system management to the security that we protect you from the threat of virus.
Efforts of SDGs
Thelemaassist Co., Ltd adjusts training system, workstyle and environment and work on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Thelemaassist Co., Ltd. is an IT company that handles operation management and operation design of IT systems. We are currently recruitments mid-career hires and fresh graduates. Expand your growth with colleagues!

Company Profile
Thelamaassist Co., Ltd is the group pf the professional IT system operation management design holding many experts.